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Hell's Angel
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
With bright bold colours and heavy texture including sculpted parts this painting is almost a cross between sculpture and painting.
The concept is about the contradictions we all have in our personalities Hells Angel our good and bad sides,ying and yang dependent on the situation what is needed and what is at stake.
2000 € SOLD
With bright bold colours and heavy texture including sculpted parts this painting is almost a cross between sculpture and painting.
The concept is about the contradictions we all have in our personalities Hells Angel our good and bad sides,ying and yang dependent on the situation what is needed and what is at stake.

Running Man
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
80/100 cm
2000 €SOLD
The work was inspired by my late brother who had a huge influence on my life, encouraged me to paint and to look beyond the norms of society. It expresses the choice that we have between facing life and all it's complications head on, or running away.
80/100 cm
2000 €SOLD
The work was inspired by my late brother who had a huge influence on my life, encouraged me to paint and to look beyond the norms of society. It expresses the choice that we have between facing life and all it's complications head on, or running away.

Push the Lever pull the Button
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This work is inspired by the notion of travelling outside the normal realms of possibility whether it is a space explorer breaking through the retraints of earth, or reaching beyond the parameters of society, spirituality of our own lives.
2000 € SOLD
This work is inspired by the notion of travelling outside the normal realms of possibility whether it is a space explorer breaking through the retraints of earth, or reaching beyond the parameters of society, spirituality of our own lives.

Ouch! Right on the Hooter
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring thick texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors. This painting is inspired by by time as a kick boxer in Thailand.Leaving London for the first time and following my passion inhabiting a new world of gansters, girls, joy and madness.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring thick texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors. This painting is inspired by by time as a kick boxer in Thailand.Leaving London for the first time and following my passion inhabiting a new world of gansters, girls, joy and madness.

Boxed In Burnt
Painting:Acrylic on canvas
1700 € SOLD
This is a bright bold acrylic painting expressing a feeling of being trapped boxed in.
The main character is trying to find a way out while his exit is being barred by other characters.
1700 € SOLD
This is a bright bold acrylic painting expressing a feeling of being trapped boxed in.
The main character is trying to find a way out while his exit is being barred by other characters.

Old Man Old Dear
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
This painting is inspired by parents, and I've tried to project their strong personalities, and the way that they balanced their relationship. Outside of the two main characters the painting is almost a collage of snapshots of London where we lived, the years that my parents were married, how many kids they had, e.t.c, almost encapsulating a lifetime in one painting.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
This painting is inspired by parents, and I've tried to project their strong personalities, and the way that they balanced their relationship. Outside of the two main characters the painting is almost a collage of snapshots of London where we lived, the years that my parents were married, how many kids they had, e.t.c, almost encapsulating a lifetime in one painting.

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting with bright, bold colors. The concept of this painting is to convey that all that we seek be it power,spirituality, wealth, happiness or even god is already inside of us, we just need to manifest it.
Nothing is beyond us it is already inside.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting with bright, bold colors. The concept of this painting is to convey that all that we seek be it power,spirituality, wealth, happiness or even god is already inside of us, we just need to manifest it.
Nothing is beyond us it is already inside.

Flat as a Pancake
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting with bold vibrant colours thick texture embodying movement and energy.The concept of this painting is flat earth, from the Egyptian, biblical idea to modern theory.The idea that we are contained unable to break through the firmament which is depicted by the main female egyptian figure.
I wanted to convey the idea that our world amounts to nothing more than a snow globe in the hands of a child and we are powerless, bound and at the mercy of things beyond our reach.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting with bold vibrant colours thick texture embodying movement and energy.The concept of this painting is flat earth, from the Egyptian, biblical idea to modern theory.The idea that we are contained unable to break through the firmament which is depicted by the main female egyptian figure.
I wanted to convey the idea that our world amounts to nothing more than a snow globe in the hands of a child and we are powerless, bound and at the mercy of things beyond our reach.

Busted Strings
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
The concept behind this painting comes from the artist's own personal experience in the music buisness and expresses the compromises that sometimes are made for success. The idea of busted strings is a metaphor for breaking our organic artistic ability in compromise for acceptance in a corporate industry.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
The concept behind this painting comes from the artist's own personal experience in the music buisness and expresses the compromises that sometimes are made for success. The idea of busted strings is a metaphor for breaking our organic artistic ability in compromise for acceptance in a corporate industry.

Click! Click!
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
80/80 cm
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of dark colors. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
It's a statement about the objectification of women in the media, showing the manipulation of many. The sleazy photographer doesn't see her, therefore, no head, just her body.
In these me too movement times, I was inspired to comment on it.
Other details also represent those that inhabit this world represented as demons and devils.
80/80 cm
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of dark colors. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
It's a statement about the objectification of women in the media, showing the manipulation of many. The sleazy photographer doesn't see her, therefore, no head, just her body.
In these me too movement times, I was inspired to comment on it.
Other details also represent those that inhabit this world represented as demons and devils.

Juiced Up
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
3,000 € SOLD
(ORIGINAL PAINTING SOLD ONLY PRINTS AVALABLE) This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. In this painting I want to convey the extremes that people will go to to strive to achieve the ideal body aesthetic. Whether that is working out in the gym for hours on end plastic surgery or using apps to create an unrealistic image on social media.
3,000 € SOLD
(ORIGINAL PAINTING SOLD ONLY PRINTS AVALABLE) This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. In this painting I want to convey the extremes that people will go to to strive to achieve the ideal body aesthetic. Whether that is working out in the gym for hours on end plastic surgery or using apps to create an unrealistic image on social media.

Noggin' 1
2000 € SOLD
This bright bold colorful acrylic painting represents the disembodied head the place where we feel all that represents us is stored.
Be it joy,pain,happiness or sadness it is all stored in this place.
2000 € SOLD
This bright bold colorful acrylic painting represents the disembodied head the place where we feel all that represents us is stored.
Be it joy,pain,happiness or sadness it is all stored in this place.

Banged Out
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This thick textured and vibrant this artwork was inspired by the sport of boxing.
It represents the triumph,loss struggle and achievement of the boxers that perform at all levels.
I also wanted to reveal the grime and shadiness of boxing as a business with its sharks snakes hangers on and manipulators.
2000 € SOLD
This thick textured and vibrant this artwork was inspired by the sport of boxing.
It represents the triumph,loss struggle and achievement of the boxers that perform at all levels.
I also wanted to reveal the grime and shadiness of boxing as a business with its sharks snakes hangers on and manipulators.

Tekashi 69
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
3000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting that has thick texture bright, bold colors, and glitter.
This painting is inspired by a rap artist Tekshi 69,ans it's a comment on the decadence of the hip hop culture and its sometimes chaotic drama.
Hip hop artists often and in the particular case of tekashi 69 become caricatures of themselves, living in the eye of the hurricane.
3000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting that has thick texture bright, bold colors, and glitter.
This painting is inspired by a rap artist Tekshi 69,ans it's a comment on the decadence of the hip hop culture and its sometimes chaotic drama.
Hip hop artists often and in the particular case of tekashi 69 become caricatures of themselves, living in the eye of the hurricane.

Drummer Boy
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
3000 € SOLD
This colourful bright bold and large acrylic painting depicts the joy energy and innocence of childhood and nothing conveys that better than a drum kit.
The unrestrained expression and freedom that this instrument gives is portrait clearly in this painting.
3000 € SOLD
This colourful bright bold and large acrylic painting depicts the joy energy and innocence of childhood and nothing conveys that better than a drum kit.
The unrestrained expression and freedom that this instrument gives is portrait clearly in this painting.

Major Tom
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
3,000 € SOLD
This is a large acrylic and glitter painting made with thick texture bright colours and text. As well as a large main figure there are also small hidden details only seen once viewed close up.
The title was taken from the David bowie song Space Oddity.
In this painting I wanted to convey the idea of a lone astronaut drifting in space and making a comparison to our own lives.
I wanted to express the idea that we are essentially alone coming in and out of this world in solitude.
3,000 € SOLD
This is a large acrylic and glitter painting made with thick texture bright colours and text. As well as a large main figure there are also small hidden details only seen once viewed close up.
The title was taken from the David bowie song Space Oddity.
In this painting I wanted to convey the idea of a lone astronaut drifting in space and making a comparison to our own lives.
I wanted to express the idea that we are essentially alone coming in and out of this world in solitude.

Baby Womb
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting on a round canvas with bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. My concept was to convey the claustrophobic yet cosy and protected womb space.
I also want to project a feeling of comfort being fed through the umbilical chord with the inevitable end in sight, the birth.
2000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting on a round canvas with bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. My concept was to convey the claustrophobic yet cosy and protected womb space.
I also want to project a feeling of comfort being fed through the umbilical chord with the inevitable end in sight, the birth.

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2000 € SOLD
73/92 cm
Crucified is a vivid and dynamic painting that captures the essence of overcoming adversity. In a burst of vibrant colors, the canvas portrays a man's face as he's struck by a powerful force. The collision of hues and shades reflect the intensity of the moment, highlighting the raw emotions that adversity can bring. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a remarkable sense of resilience and determination evident in the man's expression. The bold strokes and juxtaposition of colors symbolize his journey through challenges. This painting serves as a reminder that even in the face difficulties, the human spirit can rise above, finding strength and positivity to triumph over life's obstacles.
2000 € SOLD
73/92 cm
Crucified is a vivid and dynamic painting that captures the essence of overcoming adversity. In a burst of vibrant colors, the canvas portrays a man's face as he's struck by a powerful force. The collision of hues and shades reflect the intensity of the moment, highlighting the raw emotions that adversity can bring. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a remarkable sense of resilience and determination evident in the man's expression. The bold strokes and juxtaposition of colors symbolize his journey through challenges. This painting serves as a reminder that even in the face difficulties, the human spirit can rise above, finding strength and positivity to triumph over life's obstacles.

Did You Hear About Enoch?
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
2,500 €
This is an acrylic that represents the book of Enoch removed from the bible for political and racial reasons its main statement is that all that is dark will come to light.
Where art can represent truth the observer can in this case research beyond the art and find answers and explanations.
2,500 €
This is an acrylic that represents the book of Enoch removed from the bible for political and racial reasons its main statement is that all that is dark will come to light.
Where art can represent truth the observer can in this case research beyond the art and find answers and explanations.

Roller Skater
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.
3000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
In this painting Want to convey how some people spend so much of there lives trying to achieve one thing or another but don't really go anywhere with regards to the important things in life.I wanted to express the hectic no stop chaotic world in which some people live.Always on the go but going nowhere.
3000 € SOLD
This is an acrylic painting featuring extreme texture comprising of bright, bold prime colors, and glitter. This large striking painting is impressive, but also hides small miniature details only revealed once closely inspected.
In this painting Want to convey how some people spend so much of there lives trying to achieve one thing or another but don't really go anywhere with regards to the important things in life.I wanted to express the hectic no stop chaotic world in which some people live.Always on the go but going nowhere.

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Bumping Heads
Painting: Acrylic on canvas

Coming Round
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Head Music
Painting; Acrylic on Canvas

Hello John Got a New Motor
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Help Me Up Then
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Into the Dust
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Jazz Hands
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Let Me Fix That For You
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Moon Shot
Painting: Acrylic on canvas

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Touch Gloves
Painting: Acrylic on Canas

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

Under Pressure
Painting: Acrylic on Canvas

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